Abhishek Bachchan is sporting a new metro sexual look for his debut television show. The show is aired on Colors Channel the show is called the National Bingo Night. Junior Bachchan is seen wearing a baby pink color jacket for the promotional shoot of the show. Although, this will not be the first time, where Abhishek is sporting the metro sexual look, he had the same identical style in movies like, Dostana and Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna.
Fox Television Studios India Pvt. Ltd. produces the National Bingo Night. Abhishek is very excited about his show and says, “It is a fun-filled show where the whole country will be my guest without applying any brains or answer any difficult questions. This is such a chilled out concept and something that has never been done before in India. The sheer simplicity of the idea and the fact that this show is highly interactive is what attracted me to it.”
This game show will have two fast rounds of the very popular game Bingo. The formal launch of this show was done by a lot of marketing activates and promos on the channel. Since few weeks, the viewers could see Abhishek resting in a chair or sleeping on the bed, announcing the launch of his aaram classes. Abhishek said, “The idea here is that it is a show which is to be enjoyed by relaxing. That is why we came up with the concept of Aaram Classes. We want the people to chill out and enjoy this game. There is absolutely no stress, no tension involved at all. So tune in to learn ‘aaram’ and get ready for Bingo.”
It is still not decided when to launch the show. The format of this show is by 20th Fox Television Distribution, since it was very successful in Philippines, Australia and US.
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